Once again, Trump is holding wildly dangerous rallies, without masks or even minimal efforts at social distancing. They are basically “corona-palooza” festivals, tailor-made to spread the virus at the rally itself, and turn every participant into a "typhoid Mary" to infect others far and wide.
Almost always, the rallies violate state and local laws. Which is why it’s time for governors, mayors and other local officials to block them by whatever means necessary.
The president doesn’t get a free pass to break local laws, particularly when it puts us all at risk. And with Joe Biden respecting these laws, it gives Trump an unfair advantage. Trump likes to shout “law and order,” and it’s time local officials show him what this means.
Add your name (and a message if you want) and tell local officials to block Trump’s dangerous rallies.
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Also, CREDO is giving away $150,000 this month to promote activism. Help them decide who to give it to!
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